12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type


Essentials In Nursing Your Newborn - Part 3. Corporate lactation. mothers rooms.


‘Essentials In Nursing Your Newborn – Part 3’ is dedicated to addressing common challenges that mothers may encounter on their breastfeeding journey. By delving into these topics, Transitions Into Parenting aim’s to empower you with knowledge and strategies to navigate potential hurdles effectively.

What ‘Essentials In Nursing Your Newborn – Part 3’ Covers

Why Register for All Sessions?

By registering for all four parts of the breastfeeding series, you gain a holistic understanding of breastfeeding essentials, from the basics to overcoming challenges. This knowledge equips you to navigate your breastfeeding journey with confidence.

Client Enrollment

You must have a Client Enrollment Form filled out before registering for classes. You will only need to do this once. If you do not have one filled out, please do so now.

Breastfeeding 4 Part Series

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
•Benefits of nursing for mother and baby

•How milk production starts and is maintained 

•How to prenatally prepare to nurse baby

•Nutrition, smoking, alcohol,  medications and drugs and mom’s milk  

•Positioning of the baby

•Proper latch 

•How to know baby is receiving enough milk 

•Early concerns for the new mother

•Self breast assessment

•Sore nipple prevention

•Engorgement prevention

•Questionable milk supply 

•Early concerns for the baby

•Sleepy baby


•Weight gain 

•Need for supplementation 

•When do I start pumping

•Different styles of pumps

•Funnel size selection 

•CDC milk storage guidelines


•Cleaning of pump pieces 

•How to store milk for returning to work and home use 

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