12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type

Whether you’re breastfeeding or pumping, ensuring an adequate milk supply is essential for your baby’s well-being. Our ‘Establishing and Maintaining a Milk Supply’ class is designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical guidance on establishing and maintaining a healthy milk supply. Various factors, such as nutrition, stress, medications, and your baby’s temperament, can influence your milk production. With the right knowledge and support, many of these issues can be corrected or prevented.

What We Will Cover In Establishing and Maintaining a Milk Supply

Establishing a Good Supply: Learn techniques and practices to establish a robust milk supply right from the start.

Maintaining Supply: Explore strategies to sustain a consistent milk supply as your baby continues to grow.

Correcting Supply Issues: Address common problems and challenges related to milk supply, and discover effective solutions.

Normal Output When Expressing: Understand what constitutes normal milk output during pumping sessions.

Normal Weight Gain for Your Baby: Gain insights into your baby’s healthy weight gain and growth patterns.

Pump Selection: Navigate the selection process for breast pumps, ensuring you choose the one that aligns with your needs.

Join Us

Empower yourself with knowledge and practical tips to establish and maintain a healthy milk supply. Register today for Transitions Into Parenting’s ‘Establishing and Maintaining a Milk Supply’ and embark on a journey of confident and successful breastfeeding or pumping. We look forward to being part of your breastfeeding experience!

Client Enrollment Form

Before you can register for our classes, please ensure you have filled out the Client Enrollment Form. This form establishes the foundation for your participation in our programs. If you haven’t completed it yet, kindly follow this link:  Client Enrollment Form.

Register Now