12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type


Gentle Weaning for Mom and Baby. Corporate lactation.

Enroll in “Gentle Weaning for Mom and Baby,” a Transitions Into Parenting class that offers crucial insights into the delicate process of weaning and acknowledging its significance for both mothers and babies. Understanding the fundamentals of weaning is essential, recognizing that each mother may approach it differently. Equally important is observing how each baby responds to this transformative process.

Gentle Weaning for Mom and Baby December Class

Join the class on December 9, 2024, at noon to explore the intricacies of weaning from both nursing and/or pumping. Delving deeper, we’ll examine the baby’s transition to options such as frozen breastmilk, formula, or cow’s milk. The discussion extends to the choice of containers, including bottles, cups, and solid food, and their impact on liquid intake. Discover how, when approached correctly, weaning can be a gentle and safe experience for both mom and baby.

Embark on this insightful journey to ensure weaning becomes a positive and nurturing experience for both mom and baby. Additionally, explore ongoing support and guidance for every stage of your parenting journey through our upcoming lactation and parenting classes.

For additional tips and tricks on weaning, consider exploring resources from La Leche League International.

Please note that before registering for classes, completion of a Client Enrollment Form is required. This step is necessary only once. If you haven’t filled one out yet, please follow this link to access the form-> Client Enrollment Form. 


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