12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type


Babies and Holidays - What to Expect!

‘Babies and Holidays – What to Expect!’ will offer insights on making your festive season special with the newest addition to your family. While the holidays take on an extra layer of joy with a new baby, this unique time may also usher in changes that demand special attention to ensure both you and your little one have a memorable and enjoyable season.

Topics Covered in ‘Babies and Holidays – What to Expect!’

In this popular Transitions Into Parenting class, we’ll delve into various aspects to help you navigate the holidays with ease. From potential temporary changes in your infant’s sleep patterns to adapting feedings in a new environment, we’ll guide you through creating a comfortable atmosphere for your baby. Explore essential tips on traveling with a little one, including items to bring or rent, making your holiday adventures stress-free.

Our discussion extends to the important topic of vaccinations, offering insights into how to keep your baby healthy. Additionally, we’ll touch upon the well-meaning parental advice that often comes your way from family and friends, providing you with the tools to graciously handle such suggestions.

Join us for ‘Babies and Holidays – What to Expect!’ and empower yourself with knowledge and strategies to ensure a harmonious and delightful holiday celebration for your growing family. Let’s make this festive season truly special for you, your baby, and your loved ones!

Explore Transitions Into Parenting’s wide range of comprehensive corporate lactation resources, breastfeeding consulting services, and diverse educational classes and support groups designed for the entire family. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your parenting journey – browse our offerings and register today.

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