Why should I seek prenatal breastfeeding support?

Why should I seek prenatal breastfeeding support?


Preparing for your baby’s arrival involves more than setting up a nursery and stocking up on diapers. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is seeking breastfeeding support before your baby is born. Here’s why getting prenatal support can make a significant difference in your breastfeeding journey:

Boost your future breast milk supply

The first hours and days of breastfeeding are critical for establishing a robust milk supply. Learning what to expect before delivery helps you understand the importance of these initial moments, ensuring you start on the right foot when your baby arrives.

Learn in a low-stress environment

Absorbing information about feeding your newborn can be overwhelming right after delivery. By seeking support during pregnancy, you can learn about breastfeeding in a more relaxed state, making it easier to implement once your baby is born.

Build a relationship with your lactation consultant

Meeting your lactation consultant before delivery helps you establish a rapport and feel comfortable reaching out for help. Discuss your knowledge, concerns, and misconceptions about breastfeeding, and have the consultant’s contact information ready for quick support.

Ease your mind about postpartum life

Many parents worry about balancing breastfeeding or pumping with returning to work. Planning ahead, such as touring the mothers’ room at your worksite and ordering an electric breast pump, can alleviate stress and ensure you’re prepared when it’s time to return to work.

Quick tips for getting lactation support while pregnant

Schedule a prenatal consultation: Meet with a lactation consultant before your due date for personalized advice and support.

Attend a breastfeeding class: Transitions Into Parenting offers breastfeeding classes to provide valuable information and answer common questions.

Connect with other parents: Join the Transitions Into Parenting online support group, Small Talk, or other forums to share experiences and tips with other expecting and experienced moms.

Prepare your supplies: Have all necessary breastfeeding supplies ready, including nursing bras, breast pads, and a quality breast pump. Familiarize yourself with their use before your baby arrives.

Final thoughts on prenatal breastfeeding support

Prenatal breastfeeding support sets you up for a successful breastfeeding journey by providing the knowledge, confidence, and resources you need. Transitions Into Parenting wants to support you every step of the way. By preparing in advance, you can navigate the early days of motherhood with greater ease and focus on bonding with your baby. Take advantage of available support and start your breastfeeding journey with confidence.