Celebrating Chicago's best in workplace lactation support

Celebrating Chicago’s best in workplace lactation support


World Breastfeeding Week (WBW), celebrated from August 1-7, is a global initiative to raise awareness and promote breastfeeding. In honor of this important initiative, let’s celebrate some Chicago area companies for their exceptional workplace lactation support for nursing parents. Each of these companies goes above and beyond the legal requirements to create a nurturing family-friendly environment for their employees transitioning into parenting. Here are some standout companies:

American Academy of Pediatrics

Itasca, IL

Employee Testimonial: Our building has a beautiful nursing suite that is clean, and quiet and offers excellent resources. Thank you!!”


Deerfield and Round Lake, IL

Employee Testimonial: “Being able to use the space and pump in the mother’s room at my office was perfect, and my lactation consultant gave me so many tips and recommendations that ensured I was always prepared and didn’t have any issues.”


Chicago, IL

Employee Testimonial: “Having this service really helped me on my transition between maternity leave and working again! I love being able to quickly get in touch with someone who has answers.”


Chicago and Vernon Hills, IL

Employee Testimonial: “As a first-time mom, I was fired up to learn as much as I could about breastfeeding. I was thrilled to discover that my workplace, CDW, was not only accepting of my breastfeeding goals but would actively support me throughout my journey. They provided access to a team of lactation consultants who gives one on one care and group education. It has been an incredibly helpful resources which baby and I appreciate so much!”


Chicago, IL

Employee Testimonial:I cannot say enough good things about my experience during my two pregnancies and afterward when I was nursing and pumping for both kids. The Mother’s Room and pumps at my work helped me breastfeed each kid for over a year.”

Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Chicago, IL and nationwide

Employee Testimonial: “The Mother’s Rooms at my office provided the privacy and comfort needed to continue breastfeeding. Pumping away from home is never ideal, but having a private room with a comfortable seat, sink and refrigerator made the whole process as easy as it could be.”


Chicago, IL

Employee Testimonial: “My experience with my company has been great. I had access to the lactation room using my work badge within an hour of asking for it. I attended a zoom meeting for breastfeeding tips with The Transition into Parenting Program, and it was great. I am able to breastfeed when working from home, and pump when working in the office, as needed without any limitations from my work. My manager and colleagues are supportive and understanding, they are the best.”

Northern Trust

Chicago, IL

Employee Testimonial: “The mothers room and Transitions into Parenting support team are a tremendous resource for NT nursing and pumping mothers.”


Chicago, IL

Employee Testimonial: “I have now had the pleasure of bringing two babies into this world and the transition has been a breeze thanks to my company and the resources they provided. I have had full support from colleagues, access to a lactation room in the office, and the most incredible lactation support from Transitions into Parenting. I have been truly blessed through the process.”

Best practices for workplace lactation support

These Chicago area companies exemplify best corporate lactation support practices that can serve as a model for others:

Create a welcoming environment: Invest in comfortable, private lactation rooms equipped with necessary supplies.

Educate and train: Provide training for managers and employees on the importance of breastfeeding and how to support nursing mothers.

Flexible scheduling: Allow flexible breaks and work schedules to accommodate pumping needs.

Provide professional support: Offer access to company sponsored lactation consultants, educational opportunities, and peer support groups.

Communicate clearly: Develop clear, accessible lactation policies and communicate them to all employees.

During World Breastfeeding Week, we celebrate these Chicago area companies for their exceptional commitment to breastfeeding parents. The positive feedback from employees speaks volumes, highlighting the significant impact of their efforts. Their initiatives not only enhance employee well-being but also set a positive example for other businesses. By adopting and implementing these best practices, companies can create a nurturing and inclusive workplace that benefits everyone.

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! Let’s continue to support and empower nursing parents in the workplace.