12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type


Business Travel for the Nursing and Working Mother. Corporate lactation. Chicago.


‘Business Travel for the Nursing and Working Mother’ is a Transitions Into Parenting class designed specifically for nursing mothers on the go. Traveling for work can present unique challenges, especially for those balancing their professional commitments with breastfeeding responsibilities. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can maintain your milk supply and ensure a smooth experience while being away from your baby.

What You’ll Learn:


Embark on this informative journey to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate work-related travel successfully while maintaining your breastfeeding journey. Our class has been developed over the years with the valuable input of nursing mothers who have extensive experience in combining work and breastfeeding. We look forward to supporting you on your unique journey!

Important Note: Before registering for classes, ensure that you have completed the Client Enrollment Form. This step is required only once. 

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