12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type

Communicating with Baby – Dunstan Baby Talk

Dunstan Baby talk is a wonderful tool to help you understand what your baby is trying to say. As a new parent it usually takes a few weeks to hear the difference between the baby’s cries and discern their meaning. In this ‘Communicating with Baby – Dunstan Baby Talk & Sign Language‘ class you will learn that all newborn humans actually elicit the same basic sounds to communicate to the world what they need. This class is a must for new parents and those who have a fussy baby. No more wondering why the baby is crying!

Communicating with Baby – Sign Language

Baby Sign Language is a unique method that allows you to teach your baby how to communicate with the world. Though infants cannot speak, it does not mean they don’t understand. This ‘Communicating with Baby – Dunstan Baby Talk & Sign Language‘ class will give you the fundamentals of baby sign language benefits, teach basic signs, and provide resources for developing this method.

Transitions Into Programming Classes

Before joining our Transitions Into Parenting classes, ensure you’ve completed the Client Enrollment Form, laying the groundwork for your participation in our programs. Explore our diverse corporate lactation resources, breastfeeding consulting services, and educational  classes and support groups to enrich your parenting journey—register  today.

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