12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type

Essentials In Nursing Your Baby - Part 2 provides breastfeeding skills and confidence, covering nursing times, positioning, latch techniques, and signs of sufficient milk intake."

‘Essentials In Nursing Your Newborn -Part 2’ is the second installment of our informative 4-part breastfeeding series for working mothers, Building upon the foundational knowledge from Part 1, this session will delve into crucial aspects of breastfeeding, providing you with essential skills and confidence in feeding your little one.

Topics Covered in Essentials In Nursing Your Newborn – Part 2

Why Register for All Sessions?

Each part of this series builds on the previous one, providing a comprehensive understanding of breastfeeding essentials. Registering for all sessions will equip you with the best steps for a successful and rewarding nursing experience.

Don’t miss the opportunity to set the stage for a positive breastfeeding journey! Register now for Part 1 and embark on this informative and empowering course.

Client Enrollment Form

You must have a Client Enrollment Form filled out before registering for classes. You will only need to do this once. If you do not have one filled out, please do so now.

Breastfeeding 4 Part Series

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
•Benefits of nursing for mother and baby

•How milk production starts and is maintained 

•How to prenatally prepare to nurse baby

•Nutrition, smoking, alcohol,  medications and drugs and mom’s milk  

•Positioning of the baby

•Proper latch 

•How to know baby is receiving enough milk 

•Early concerns for the new mother

•Self breast assessment

•Sore nipple prevention

•Engorgement prevention

•Questionable milk supply 

•Early concerns for the baby

•Sleepy baby


•Weight gain 

•Need for supplementation 

•When do I start pumping

•Different styles of pumps

•Funnel size selection 

•CDC milk storage guidelines


•Cleaning of pump pieces 

•How to store milk for returning to work and home use 


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