7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Class Type

Explore the myriad benefits of infant massage for both babies and caregivers in “Infant Massage – A Therapeutic Practice,” a popular Transitions Into Parenting class. This is the first class in our two-part Infant Massage series. Learn safe and effective techniques for practicing at home with your baby as we delve into the common reasons for using these techniques, covering:

Bonding and Attachment

Promotes Relaxation

Enhances Cognitive and Sensory Development

Improved Circulation

Stimulates Digestion

Boosts the Immune System

Emotional Well-being

Enhances Parenting Skills


Sensory Stimulation

This practice when done gently and with care, can be tailored to the baby’s individual needs and preferences. Join our webinar to explore how infant massage can benefit your baby, and bring your baby along with a doll or stuffed animal for demonstration of new massage strokes you’ll learn.

Spaces are limited, so if plans change and attendance becomes challenging, please let us know to open up the opportunity for another parent.

Note: A completed Client Enrollment Form is required before registering for classes. If you haven’t filled one out yet, please do so by following this link: Client Enrollment Form. Completing this form is a one-time requirement.

Don’t miss out on our other upcoming lactation and parenting classes, designed to provide further support and guidance for all stages of your parenting journey.

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