12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Class Type

Selecting and evaluating your childcare. Corporate lactation.


Selecting and evaluating your childcare is a crucial process, and we recognize the challenge of making such a significant decision for your family.

Transitions Into Parenting is here to guide you through this pivotal decision-making journey. Our goal is to assist you in making the best choice for your child, ensuring a thoughtful and informed childcare selection that aligns with your family’s unique needs and requirements.

Selecting and Evaluating Your Childcare Class

Join Transitions Into Parenting’s ‘Selecting and Evaluating Your Childcare’ class on December 16, 2024, at noon to gain clarity on where to begin and how to make the best choice for your child.

In this class, we’ll explore key considerations, including pricing, licensure, accreditation, and warning signs. Additionally, we’ll guide you in assessing your current childcare situation to ensure it aligns with your family’s requirements.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be equipped to develop a thoughtful and strategic plan for your family’s childcare needs. As highlighted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, “High-quality early education and childcare for young children improves physical and cognitive outcomes and can result in enhanced school readiness.”1 Empower yourself to make well-informed decisions, fostering the optimal environment for your child’s long-term growth and well-being. 

Don’t miss out on our other upcoming lactation and parenting classes, designed to provide further support and guidance for all stages of your parenting journey.


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Quality Early Education and Child Care From Birth to Kindergarten. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2024

Client Enrollment Form

A completed Client Enrollment Form is required before registering for classes. If you haven’t filled one out yet, please do so now. Completing this form is a one-time requirement.

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